Well, we are on a roll now, three days in a row! Today let's examine some new data types that have been added to SQL Server 2008.
SQL Server 2008 offers several new data types. One of the more interesting is the HierarchyID type. The HierarchyID data type is implemented as a CLR UDT (User defined type) and is exposed to CLR clients as SqlHierarchyId. The HierarchyID type will allow you to model organization structures, tree structures and hierarchies.
This new data type comes with many built-in methods that will allow you to manipulate and edit hierarchical data.
The methods exposed by the HierarchyID are:
child.GetAncestor(n) - this returns the HierarchyID of the nth ancestor |
parent.GetDescendant(child1, child2) - this returns a child node |
node.GetLevel() - returns an integer value of the depth of the node in the structure |
hierarchyid::GetRoot() - returns the root of the structure |
parent.IsDescendant(child) - determines if a node is a descendant of another node |
hierarchyid::Parse(string) - converts a string representation of a hierarchyid into a hierarchyid value |
void Read(BinaryReader x) - for CLR clients, reads a binary representation of a SqlHierarchyId object from the BinaryReader parameter and sets the SqlHierarchyId object to that value |
node.Reparent(OldRoot, NewRoot) - move a node in the hierarchy from one parent to another |
node.ToString() - returns a string with a logical representation of the node |
void Write(BinaryWriter x) - for CLR clients, writes a binary representation of a SqlHierarchyId object to the BinaryWriter parameter. |
You can use any of the above methods that return a node (representation of the hierarchy) in place of HierarchyID data type.
Let's look at how the HierarchyID works (as seen on Ravi Maniam's blog (http://blogs.msdn.com/manisblog/archive/2007/08/17/sql-server-2008-hierarchyid.aspx);
Use AdventureWorks Go --Create Scheme Create Schema HumanResources Go --Create Table CREATE TABLE HumanResources.EmployeeDemo ( OrgNode HIERARCHYID, EmployeeID INT, LoginID VARCHAR(100), Title VARCHAR(200), HireDate DATETIME ) Go --Create Index CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX idxEmployeeDemo ON HumanResources.EmployeeDemo (OrgNode,EmployeeID) --Insert First Row INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeDemo (OrgNode, EmployeeID, LoginID, Title, HireDate) VALUES (hierarchyid.GetRoot(), 1,'adventure-works\scott', 'CEO', '3/11/05') ; Go --Insert Second Row DECLARE @Manager hierarchyid SELECT @Manager = hierarchyid.GetRoot() FROM HumanResources.EmployeeDemo; INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeDemo (OrgNode, EmployeeID, LoginID, Title, HireDate) VALUES (@Manager.GetDescendant(NULL,NULL), 2, 'adventure-works\Mark', 'CTO', '4/05/07') Go --Insert Third Row DECLARE @Manager hierarchyid DECLARE @FirstChild hierarchyid SELECT @Manager = hierarchyid.GetRoot() FROM HumanResources.EmployeeDemo; Select @FirstChild = @Manager.GetDescendant(NULL,NULL) INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeDemo (OrgNode, EmployeeID, LoginID, Title, HireDate) VALUES (@Manager.GetDescendant(@FirstChild,NULL), 3, 'adventure-works\ravi', 'Director Marketing', '4/08/07') Go --Insert the First Descendant of a Child Node DECLARE @Manager hierarchyid SELECT @Manager = CAST('/1/' AS hierarchyid) INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeDemo (OrgNode, EmployeeID, LoginID, Title, HireDate) VALUES (@Manager.GetDescendant(NULL, NULL),45, 'adventure-works\Ben','Application Developer', '6/11/07') ; Go --Insert the Second Descendant of a Child Node DECLARE @Manager hierarchyid DECLARE @FirstChild hierarchyid SELECT @Manager = CAST('/1/' AS hierarchyid) SELECT @FirstChild = @Manager.GetDescendant(NULL,NULL) INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeDemo (OrgNode, EmployeeID, LoginID, Title, HireDate) VALUES (@Manager.GetDescendant(@FirstChild, NULL),55, 'adventure-works\Laura','Trainee Developer', '6/11/07') ; Go --Insert the first node who is the Descendant of Director Marketing DECLARE @Manager hierarchyid DECLARE @FirstChild hierarchyid SELECT @Manager = CAST('/2/' AS hierarchyid) INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeDemo (OrgNode, EmployeeID, LoginID, Title, HireDate) VALUES (@Manager.GetDescendant(NULL, NULL),551, 'adventure-works\frank','Trainee Sales Exec.', '12/11/07') ; Go --Insert the second node who is the Descendant of Director
--Marketing DECLARE @Manager hierarchyid DECLARE @FirstChild hierarchyid SELECT @Manager = CAST('/2/' AS hierarchyid) SELECT @FirstChild = @Manager.GetDescendant(NULL,NULL) INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeDemo (OrgNode, EmployeeID, LoginID, Title, HireDate) VALUES (@Manager.GetDescendant(@FirstChild, NULL),531, 'adventure-works\vijay','Manager Industrial Sales', '12/09/06') ; Go --Insert the third node who is the Descendant of Director
-- Marketing --in between 2 existing descendants DECLARE @Manager hierarchyid DECLARE @FirstChild hierarchyid DECLARE @SecondChild hierarchyid SELECT @Manager = CAST('/2/' AS hierarchyid) SELECT @FirstChild = @Manager.GetDescendant(NULL,NULL) SELECT @SecondChild = @Manager.GetDescendant(@FirstChild,NULL) INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeDemo (OrgNode, EmployeeID, LoginID, Title, HireDate) VALUES (@Manager.GetDescendant(@FirstChild, @SecondChild),543, 'adventure-works\james','Manager Consumer Sales', '12/04/06') ; --Use Serializable Transaction CREATE PROCEDURE AddEmployee(@ManagerID hierarchyid, @EmpID int, @LogID varchar(100), @JobTitle as varchar(200), @JoiningDate datetime) AS BEGIN DECLARE @LastChild hierarchyid SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE BEGIN TRANSACTION SELECT @LastChild = Max(OrgNode) From HumanResources.EmployeeDemo WHERE OrgNode = @ManagerID INSERT HumanResources.EmployeeDemo (OrgNode, EmployeeID, LoginID, Title, HireDate) VALUES(@LastChild, @EmpID,@LogID , @JobTitle, @JoiningDate) COMMIT END ;
I have been searching everywhere for this but could not find any help.
I need to migrate the existing Hierarchical data which is in Varchar datatype to HierarchyID datatype? How do I do it?
Greatly appreciate your help,
1. SELECT @Manager= hierarchyid GetRoot() FROM HumanResources.EmployeeDemo;
2. Select @FirstChild = @Manager.GetDescendant(NULL,NULL)
@Manager=hierarchyid GetRoot()
Whats happening here? is Manager is the root node?
DECLARE @Manager hierarchyid
DECLARE @FirstChild hierarchyid
SELECT @Manager = hierarchyid.GetRoot() FROM HumanResources.EmployeeDemo;
Is Manager is the root node???
DECLARE @Manager hierarchyid
DECLARE @FirstChild hierarchyid
SELECT @Manager = hierarchyid.GetRoot() FROM HumanResources.EmployeeDemo;
Is Manager is the root node???
Be sure to change this... hierarchyid.GetRoot()
to this...
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