Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Data Types

Well, I managed to miss yesterday, again, so I'm sorry. Luckily, it was only one day, so we aren't falling into a rut yet.

Today I'd like to look at the new data types available in SQL Server 2008. Specifically the new Date and Time, Filestream, and the spatial data storage types.

Date and Time
The new date/time types are a result of improvements that satisfy the requirements of separating date and time values, allowing a larger range or dates, allowing larger fractional second precision, providing Time zone awareness, providing ANSI SQL compliant or equivalent time and date data types, and to allow database migration compatibility with other database platforms.
The new types that allow these requirements to be met are:

DATE Stores only the date portion of a date/time and has a range of 0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31. It has a size of 3 bytes.
TIME(prec) Stores on the time portion of a date/time and has a range of 00:00:00.0000000 through 23:59:59.9999999, an accuracy of 100 nanoseconds (precision dependant). It has a size of 3 to 5 bytes dependant on precision.
DATETIMEOFFSET(prec) Stores a time zone aware, UTC preserved datetime, and has a range of 0001-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 through 9999-12-31 23:59:59.9999999 UTC. It has a size of 8 to 10 bytes, dependant on  precision
DATETIME2(prec) Stores datetime data, similar to datetime data type, but with a far larger range. Range is 0001-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 through 9999-12-31 59:59:59.9999999. This data type is not time zone aware and the size is 6 to 8 bytes dependant on precision.

Along with the new data types, new system functions are also provided:

SYSDATETIME() Returns the current database system timestamp as a datetime2(7) value.
SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() Returns the current database system timestamp as a datetimeoffset(7) value.
SYSUTCDATETIME() Returns the current database system timestamp as a datetime2(7) value, which represents the current UTC time.
SWITCHOFFSET(datetimeoffset, time_zone) Converts a datetimeoffset to a new time zone.
TODATETIMEOFFSET(datetime, time_zone) Converts a local datetime value to a datetimeoffset UTC value using the passed in time_zone value.

Let's look briefly at these new data types in action:
-- Show type usage
-- Put in some data
SET @DateEx = '2008-02-28 06:59:01.9489484';
SET @TimeEx = '2008-02-28 06:59:01.9489484';
-- View results
SELECT @DateEx AS [Date], @TimeEx AS [Time]
Date                    Time
----------------------- ----------------
2008-02-28 00:00:00.000 06:59:01.9489484
(1 rows(s) affected)
-- system date and time

SysDateTime             SYSDTOffset                        SysUTC
----------------------- ---------------------------------- -----------------------
2008-07-15 10:49:55.459 7/15/2008 10:49:55 AM -04:00       2008-07-15 14:49:55.459

(1 rows(s) affected)
-- Offset for a date
SELECT DATENAME(TZoffset, '2008-02-28 12:15:32.1234567 +02:10') AS TZoffset;


(1 rows(s) affected)

--Change the offset
SELECT SWITCHOFFSET ('2008-02-28 9:50:00.6722 -8:00','+02:00') AS Changed

2/28/2008 7:50:00 PM +02:00
(1 rows(s) affected)

The Filestream attribute is a storage feature that combines the windows file system with the SQL Server database. When the Filestream attribute is added to a varbinary(max) column the database storage engine stores the column values in the NTFS file system, but the behavior of the database column will remain the same.
Utilizing this feature allows you to access the data in a dual programming model, in other words, you can access the data view T-SQL as if it were a normal BLOB type, as well as via the Win32 streaming API with T-SQL transactional semantics.
So, when should I use Filestream storage as opposed to good old BLOB storage? If your average value size is going to exceed 1MB and you need fast read access, it is a good idea. Also when you are developing middle tier application services that may need to access this data.
Standard BLOB storage is limited to 2GB size restrictions, however, the Filestream storage is only limited by the file system free space. Since the database engine keeps the column behavior consistent, integrated management is maintained, backups and restores work normally as well as third party management tools.
There are a few drawbacks to using the Filestream feature. Support is not provided for Database Snapshots or Database Mirroring, and encryption does not work with Filestream storage.

Spatial Data Types
With all the pressure from Google providing Google Maps, Google Earth, and other geographical services from various sources, it is no wonder Microsoft has begun to provide Spatial Data Storage support.
SQL Server 2008 provides new data types to handle spatial data. These data types are Geometry and Geography. Both data types are implemented as .Net CLR types, and support various methods and properties.
As the name implies, the Geometry data type is designed to store data specified by coordinates in a 2 dimensional, flat-earth system (Euclidean data). It remains compliant with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Simple Features for SQL Specification version 1.1.0.
The Geography data type, is similar to the Geometry data type in that it stores coordinates, however, the Geography data type stores coordinates defined by latitude and longitude in a round-earth system.
With the use of new data types we need to be able to efficiently store and search for that data, so SQL Server 2008 provides the new Spatial Indexes to go along with the new data types. These indexes are grid-based and level of the index decomposes the one above it.

Here is a diagram from BOL that depicts the structure of the spatial data types.
geometry diagram

See SQL Server 2008 BOL for more detailed information.
Finally, let's take a peek at this in action:

-- Make a table to use that holds geography data type
CREATE TABLE SpatialTable 
    ( id int IDENTITY (1,1),
    GeogCol1 geography, 
    GeogCol2 AS GeogCol1.STAsText() );
-- Put some data into the table to use
-- Notice the use of the STGeomFromText 
-- instance method.
INSERT INTO SpatialTable (GeogCol1)
VALUES (geography::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(47.656 -122.360, 47.656 -122.343)', 4326));
INSERT INTO SpatialTable (GeogCol1)
VALUES (geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((47.653 -122.358, 47.649 -122.348, 47.658 -122.348, 47.658 -122.358, 47.653 -122.358))', 4326));
-- Make some variables
DECLARE @geog1 geography;
DECLARE @geog2 geography;
DECLARE @result geography;
-- Put some data in the variables from the table,
-- notice the use of built in methods/properties
-- of the data type "STAsTex()"
SELECT @geog1 = GeogCol1 FROM SpatialTable WHERE id = 1;
SELECT @geog2 = GeogCol1 FROM SpatialTable WHERE id = 2;
SELECT @result = @geog1.STIntersection(@geog2);
SELECT @result.STAsText();
LINESTRING (47.656000260658459 -122.3479999999668, 47.656000130309728 -122.35799999998773)
(1 row(s) affected)
-- Quick example of using the POINT instance
DECLARE @g geometry;
SET @g = geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT (3 4)', 0);
(1 row(s) affected)

Well, that brings us to the end of another post. I hope you gained something useful from it. I will try really hard to make sure there is a post tomorrow, though I have late meetings this evening so the next entry may be on Thursday. Until then, see you later.